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If your institution offers advanced degrees either on campus or online, consider purchasing an advertisement.  Your ad will  be shared with individuals who already possess undergraduate degrees and want additional training.  The CACollegeBXP enables professionals all over the globe to give back to their communities.  By advertising, you can help us provide continuing education information to professionals across the globe. 


Advertising Options


  • Six (6) month advertisement is $350.







  • Twelve (12)  month advertisement is $500.







  • Two (2) year advertisement is $1,000. 







Add On is $150:   Upload a one page -two sided brochure about your program to online resources library.  This option is only available if an advertisement is purchased. 







Timelines indicate how long we'll use your materials from the date of purchase.  We will also keep you up to date on our work in other states.  Fees will be higher after the early bird deadline.

Ads must include your campus logo, up to three bullets indicating programs, and a link to your website.   Specs will be sent once your payment is submitted and approved.





  • Master of Business Administration

  • Master of Social Work

  • Master of Public Administration

Insert your campus website link here

Optional:  PDF  Brochure Upload


The California College Experience (CACollegeXP) has  brought young people into dialogue with leaders from most major campuses in California since 2012.   The CACollegeBXP is a platform developed by Barber Consulting which has worked with leaders in public, corporate and academic sectors since 1991. 


Want to learn more about our volunteers who graduated between 1967-2017? Click to hear our podcasts.



We reserve the right to decline advertisements and return fees for submissions that do not fit within our mission.


Conference Flyer

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