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Executive Coaching &

Leadership Development




Executive Coaching 


Level 1 (3 Months)

Executive Coaching Introduction


Introduction to Executive Coaching helps clients identify areas they might want to tackle.   As we build upon the previous sessions, clients are able to become clearer about goals and objectives.  


Coaching outcomes can be used to develop an employment work plan or continue with our company.    Includes 3 coaching sessions over two months.

Fee: $1,500       


 Level 2  (6 Months)

Executive Coaching  & Leadership Development


Individual Executive Coaching and Leadership Development  highlights the client's successes and determines areas they might want to improve.   The sessions are based upon lesson learned from a variety of interviews and feedback from leaders around the glob. 


This Leadership Development series offers clients insights that can be used to advance their careers, provide better community engagement, and support current employment efforts.  Includes 6 coaching sessions over six months.

Fee:  $2,500       


 Level 3  (9 Months)

Executive Coaching, Leadership Development & Training


In addition to executive coaching, you'll also receive training that has a specific focus on an identified issue as defined by the client.  Recommendations will be made by the coach but final selection of the action plan is made by the client.  


Training will highlight areas to pursue based upon real time information for experts already successful in that field. Includes 6 coaching sessions, additional work plans, and informational interviews with key leaders.

Fee: $5,000  



Inquiries about long term coaching should be sent to: barberstrategies AT






Click here:  Fees for individuals    or   Fees for Institutions.





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